Sweet Dreams - Fade to black (er, silence)...

A simple, small application for those who like to fall asleep to music, Sweet Dreams fades your volume down over time. This is definitely useful - to the point, even, where it seems like it should be a built-in feature of an operating system or media player. Aside from the function, I also appreciate the usability of the interface - three simple sliders, four simple checkboxes, and absolute clarity about each one. And just to confirm the results of your settings, the graph at the bottom shows the planned fadeout schedule. Very user-friendly, transparent, and well-designed!
[via gHacks and Lifehacker]


  1. Well. Except for the fact that they are using check boxes in place of radio buttons. How can you shutdown and hibernate at the same time?

  2. Hey David, good catch, and you're definitely right! Of course, those could be checkboxes that behave like radio buttons, which I see every once in a while - but that's just confusing... :-)


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