Measurement Gloves - Not so "handy" (ugh)...

On Fridays I like to show a little something silly, laughable, or just too-clever-by-half - so here's your weekly dose. Measurement Gloves (available for $25 CAD at UpToYouToronto) make a misguided attempt to productize the technique of using your hand as a measurement tool. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that anyone would buy these, let alone have them on hand (the puns never stop!) when needed, who wouldn't first try measuring their own hands to make them useful in the same way. Plus, what happens if your hands are a little too big, stretching the gloves and ruining the "calibration?" Finally, the fashion risk is downright perilous - except in some reaches of geek society where these may just be haute couture. Get a good laugh, folks, but save your 25 Canadian bucks.
[via Gizmodo, Nerd Approved, & Fashionably Geek]


  1. Ahh, but don't forget about the construction worker who works out in the cold.

    Solve 2 problems with one pair of gloves.

  2. Good point - but I'll tell ya, I don't want to be in the building that was measured out with these gloves. The accuracy seems to leave something to be desired!


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