Kickit Shoe Storage - Putting the "fun" in functional...

Shoe racks have always seemed to be more difficult to use than they should be - especially in situations where shoes are vastly different sizes (I have big feet; my wife, not so much) and different shapes (our sandals, her heels, my sneakers, her boots), they never seem to sit on any rack quite properly, and end up falling into a pile on the floor. But here's something that might do the trick - Kickit grabs and holds your shoes with two rows of brush bristles, kinda suspended in air. The name and product photo both encourage the user to just kick their shoes right off, directly into the bristles - and this is the kind of fun interaction that means the product will actually be used more than it would otherwise. Literally, putting the "fun" in functional. Too bad it's a very prohibitive $2500 - at least for now.
[via Gizmodo and Crunchgear]


  1. Nice but excessively large. A cabinet that size with a few shelves could house *loads* of shoes of all shapes & sizes.

  2. I like it - well done for sourcing this!!!!!! As an expat Aussie living in the old Dart I have just launched a shoe storage site called tszuji and am looking to expand our offering - this looks a great idea! Clear Shoe Boxes
    tszuji offers the Ultimate in Shoe Storage with these unique interlocking Clear Boxes for Shoes. Give your wardrobe a make-over now<

    By the way I love your blog!!!

  3. Just wanted to say a big thank you to you. I first came across the idea of fabulous shoe storage products on your blog and, as they say in the classics... was so impressed I bought the company! Well not really but am now selling and distributing Clear Shoe Boxes in the UK through tszuji The Shoe Storage Specialists. For something a little more stylish and space saving the Shoe Wheel by Rakku is also now available! By the way if you loved the girls from Sex and the City have a look at what Sam and Carrie think of us!! Thanks again.


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