PureText: Copy only what you want...

In my Windows and MS-Office existence, I tend to make more use of "Paste Special -> Unformatted text" than of the plain old CTRL-V shortcut. And hey, why not? It doesn't seem unreasonable that users would want to grab the content itself more frequently than the formatting that goes along with it - after all, what you're pasting it into already has its own format, thankyouverymuch. Recognizing this, freeware PureText gives you that function as a keyboard shortcut. It's the little things that can make using products delightful or miserable - and that goes double (or more!) for workarounds that you may have to employ dozens of times in a single day. Something like this might just keep some overstrained office worker somewhere from going postal - or a least delay it a bit...
[via Lifehacker]

1 comment:

  1. I'm also a big fan of Paste Special, and was not aware of this application. Thanks for the reccomendation and the information!


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