Green Energy Option: You're doing it wrong...

Hey, SMUD - yeah, you, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District - when I signed up to pay the extra fee in order to use 100% renewable energy, I thought I got the message through that I, you know, had some genuine concern for the environment. So why send me a completely separate mailing congratulating me on my choice??? You could have at least bundled the letter into some other standard mailing - or better yet, sent me an environmentally-neutral email. But a totally separate mailing - consuming paper and ink, incurring the cost of postage, and spending all that energy sorting and delivering it? This is not the way to "congratulate" people who want the green option! Seriously, it seems to be a problem with the design of the system: the components of the system can be green (renewable energy, paperless billing, etc), but the system that contains them isn't designed to leverage them with each other. If it were, as soon as I signed up (via phone) for the renewable energy option, they should have asked me if I'd also like to enroll in paperless billing. After all, anyone who does the former is likely to want the latter. In the meantime, I'll recycle that congratulatory letter, and hope someone out there is reading this...

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