"Unnecessary" Quotation Marks - Muddling the meaning...

Oh man, I love it: The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks, besides being good for a few laughs, illustrates a real epidemic that seems to be sweeping over signmakers all over the country. Quotation marks have a meaning: to indicate that what's contained inside them is not to be taken at its literal meaning, or if so, only by the authority of a third-party source. Unfortunately, many signs use them simply for emphasis, as if bold, italic, underline, all caps, and different fonts aren't enough tools to do the trick. The problem for the viewer is that the real meaning of quotation marks is directly at odds with this misappropriated meaning. For example, is the viewer of this sign supposed to read that this is really reliable auto repair, or dubiously reliable auto repair? Given their careless use of the q-marks to intend the former, I'm forced to conclude that the latter is in fact true. Be sure to check the blog for some other hilariously inverted meanings, and lament the descent of the English language into an unintelligible mush...
[via Good Experience]

1 comment:

  1. I once saw a sign in England that said:

    And the word "Hot" was underlined!
    Not to mention that in British-English quotation marks are reversed: you use a single mark for normal quotes and you use double marks for quotes within quotes.


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