Impromptu Seats - Neat, but needed?

Today's post concerns two very similar but totally unrelated designs for impromptu seating: on the top is designer Yanko designer Yong Rok Kim's Crutch Chair, and below is Jan Korbes' portable seat made from an old suitcase. Both concepts are slick enough to give any viewer an "oh, neat" reaction, but do they solve any problems? The Crutch Chair just might do that: crutch users, weary of supporting their weight with their armpits in a just-standing-around situation, may very well opt for this seat when no other is available. The design requires nothing extra to be carried around in order to gain this function, so the cost is nil. And as a bonus, it keeps the user at standing height so as to stay socially interactive with other standing people - because when there are no seats, which is when you need this product, everyone is standing, right? On the other hand, the suitcase seat fails most of these same tests of usability - it does require the user to carry an extra load, it doesn't solve a specific problem of the user (like those pained 'pits in the cruch user), and there's no real bonus to its function. It is, however, a neat case (pun intended) of up-cycling - but just neat, not quite usable!
[via Gizmodo and Make]

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