As a tall guy with big feet, I find most tucked-in hotel beds to be more than a bit restrictive on my toes - as a matter of fact, it's what I imagine traditional Chinese foot-binding might feel like. (Even George Costanza knows the pain!) Apparently one place knows how to do it right, though - according to Bed-Making Tips from The Four Seasons (on Real Simple), they leave "a three-inch 'foot pocket' fold across the bottom so feet don't get squished." It's interesting that thought this technique involves no extra cost - hotels just need to pay attention to real people and real usage scenarios - it's only the really high-end places that think to do it. Good usability design can, and should, be available to everyone!
[via Lifehacker]
whaddup Dave! Just checkin out the site. Lookin good man. Hope things are well.