Rolling Bench - Crank away that soggy seat...

Benches, benches everywhere, but not a spot to sit - after a wet day, at least, when outdoor public benches can offer nothing but a soggy bottom. So, the sizable team of Sungwoo Park, Yoonha Paick, Jongdeuk Son, Banseok Yoon, Eunbi Cho, & Minjung Sim (and a partridge in a pear tree) have dreamed up The Rolling Bench, which cranks away wet surfaces to reveal the dry side underneath. It's certainly a clever idea, and immediately intuitive from their clear and simple design. Plus, cranking your friends right off the bench when they're not looking would be a hoot...
[via Yanko Design and Gizmodo]


  1. Interesting design, but couldn't you make a normal looking bench with a water repelling surface? The water would just run right off and no user interaction would be needed.

  2. Good point, Tony. However - and I'm no materials specialist, here - I think even the most water-repellent surface isn't perfect, especially as grime collects over time and negates any repellent properties. Plus, you wouldn't be able to crank your friends off the bench!! :-)


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