Wishlist Jewelry - Only if she reeeally loves you...

With Valentine's Day coming right up, here's something that might qualify as a relationship barometer - give her one of these Wishlist Necklaces and gauge her response. If she laughs and loves you anyway, it's all good - if you're sleeping on the couch that night, well, not so much. Besides being good for a chuckle, these could be seen as making statements to the outside world ("I reject the useless materialism of expensive little stones") or to your loved one ("I can't afford it now, but I'll get you one someday"). A lot of interesting uses for a funny little card on a rope!


  1. I'll admit this website really did make me laugh. It truly is the thought that counts. If the materialism of the Valentine's Holiday is getting to you, be sure to check out the site http://www.mydovechocolate.com in order to enter Dove Chocolate's "Expressions of Love" contest, where just by describing how much you love your honey in a creative and emotional way, you can win a beautiful 5.58 carats “Baby’s Breath Diamond Necklace” worth 21K dollars. This is a great way for you to show how much you love your special someone in your life. And it’s a fun thoughtful way to do it. I work for the company so I wanted to give you a heads up. Remember, it’s the thought that counts and enjoy V-Day!

  2. I actually really like this design - great tongue-in-cheek humor there.

  3. I'm having a bit of trouble with Gabrielle's logic: "if the materialism of Valentine's Day is getting to you, win this $21,000 diamond necklace!" Riiiight.


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