Pee-Pee Teepee - For the gun-shy diaper-changer...

Sent in by friend and frequent commenter Pete Kazanjy, the Pee-Pee Teepee certainly seems like a worthy enough product. As the product description notes, "Why is it that the act of diaper changing always seems to inspire an extra 'contribution' from the little one?" While I haven't witnessed this firsthand, the mere thought is enough to make me a customer when I have tykes of my own - or at least improvise something equivalent. A bonus: any teepee the little guy doesn't sprinkle can be used again and again, until it, uh, "takes the bullet" for ya. In centuries of diaper changing, it's amazing that this product has only recently been conceived - proof that there's always room out there for more innovation!


  1. Take it from a parent - this thing is a cute idea but rarely will you find a kid who lays still long enough while changing to make it worth your while. I think it's meant to be a novelty for first-time parents who don't know any better (but yes, it's very cute).

  2. Ah yes, despite how useful any product might seem, it needs to stand up to the realities of actual use - and with a real parent's testimony, the ol' Teepee seems a bit less brilliant! Thanks for the comment, Eva - an important demonstration that initial impressions aren't always right.

  3. Clearly this just calls for a little iteration.

    Perhaps some adhesive on the lower rim of the teepee to ensure the guard stays in place, regardless of wiggling?

  4. Pete Kazanjy used to sell bong paraphernalia to underage kids around the US, I wouldn't trust a word that guy says. PHX Bongs, look it up.


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