Emotion-Checking Watch - Tells how you're *really* doing...

There are plenty of products which help people monitor their health - heart-rate monitors, blood pressure monitors, glucose meters for diabetics, and of course a whole suite of sensors for patients in hospitals. But nothing, so far, which checks your emotional state - well, unless you count mood rings. In any case, here's an emotion-monitoring watch expected soon from Exmocare (via Engadget), which uses a combination of heart rate and variability, movement, and galvanic skin response to nail down (or at least take a wild stab at) how you're feeling. They envision it as being used primarily by the elderly, and the watch will notify family or caretakers via SMS if anything strays from the norm. But I can certainly envision this being used by individuals to keep a check on their own emotional state - sometimes we just don't know how we feel, right? And imagine the implications of having an emotiononometer (?) linked to your social-networking profiles or IM icon - not only would people see your online/offline state, but also your state of mind. It could be a great way to reach out to friends when they really need it!

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