Wine Double Pourer - Exactly one use, but a lot of wow factor...

Many products are valued for their versatility of use - and this one ain't that. This double wine pourer has exactly one purpose, to pour two (identical) glasses at the same time. From a usability standpoint, this borders on ridiculous - the time saved is on the order of a few seconds, and not in a time-critical situation. It's not applicable in any other situation, at all. However, in that one case for which it's perfect, its use adds a little something - a "cool factor" (or maybe "tool factor," but who's counting). There's something about having exactly the right thing for a niche situation, and being able to use it, that's undeniably satisfying for the user and anyone watching. It's that feeling of everything just falling right into place.
And then it can go back into hiding, waiting for the next time, if ever, when that perfect situation will come up again!
[via Bookofjoe and Gizmodo]


  1. I love it! I could really use one of those. I'm serious. My birthday's in April in case you were wondering.

  2. Pouring wine for two a lot, huh? Heh heh.


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