Breakfast Bike Tray - Convenience in the face of danger...

With a plethora of products out there designed to allow multitasking, at some point we users may have to draw our own line between efficiency and safety, rather than having it drawn for us. Here's one that may be right on that line - "Bikefast," the breakfast bike tray by Philipp Drexler. For the frequent urban bike commuter, this may be a great way to make the most of otherwise wasted time while stopped at intersections. But how do you resist the temptation to finagle a bite or a sip while in motion? What might happen to the food, the bike, or its rider, and is it worth the risk? Designs that enable bad "side" behaviors, even while providing good and valuable "main" functions, may be overall bad designs. Users just can't always be trusted to look out for their own best interests!
[via Wired, Dvice, and Gizmodo]


  1. I think of several people who could become avid users of such a invention.

  2. Hey Ross - I agree, I can think of several potential users myself! But would I trust them not to eat & drink while in motion? Aye, there's the rub... :-)


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