Flower Pen Bouquet - reception desk triple-play...

From LifeHacker, the Flower Pen Bouquet is cute idea which actually solves three reception-desk problems with one crafty solution:

1) Eliminates the eyesore of the public-use pen jar. Too often, they're just hideous - a mug ugly enough that nobody wants it, filled with pens which were once the runts of many litters.

2) Beautifies the desk with a snazzy little floral arrangement. That one in the top photo is particularly classy, in my humble opinion.

3) Solves the pesky problem of runaway pens. Nobody's going to absentmindedly walk off with a pen sporting a life-size rose on the top, and this solution beats the heck out of chain tethers!

The only problem I can see is that it's too good at #1 - any visitor looking for pens would never find'em! And I can visualize a receptionist going crazy having to tell people that "the flowers are pens, just grab one" too many times...


  1. I could also see getting annoyed with having to write with a flower all the time, or the fabric flowers getting dusty and frayed, or pen/flower arrangements just looking bad (it can be hard to make flower arrangements look good, especially with pen flowers, I imagine).

  2. A few of my female colleagues at school use this trick with pencils. No boy ever walks away with a pencil that looks like a flower, and the girls all want to know how to make their own.


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